Elena Pisu

Corpocentrico is a research project activated in 2011. In its various development phases, it focused on different stages of life, exploring the concept of the mutable body.

Our starting point in this research project is the body: more specifically, taken its characteristic of mutable entity in continuous transformation, we intend to pose ourselves questions regarding the behaviour and the emotional states directly related to change, for an individual in connection to his/her body, to the image of the body, and to the bodies of others.
We want to give voice to the body in order to let it speak for itself, about its conditioning, the story inscribed in it, as an operator and at the same time object of the language itself.
This approach opens up considerations regarding the vision of corporeality in today’s society: despite its role of central horizon, obsession and surface on which political practices are inscribed, the body still remains partially undefinable, not as an unknown or mysterious object, but rather because its mutable nature escapes every strict categorization and any definition proves to be incomplete.
The body behaves as a threshold between biological matter and construct, it is a border between nature and artifice. It takes shape and builds upon according to the biological, social and political determinations ascribed to it from time to time.

Elena Pisu. Choreographer and dancer, 1979
Elena started studying ballet in Torino. She then moved to the United Kingdom, where she trained at London Contemporary Dance School and Northern School of Contemporary Dance, from which she graduated in 2000 (BPA Dance Degree) with Merit.
She studied ballet with Ronald Emblen, Cristian Addams and Niall Mc Mahon, Cunningham technique with Bernadette Iglich and Kate Price, rep with Richard Alston, Limon/release with Duncan MacFarland, Graham technique and rep with Juliet Fisher, Sharon Donaldson, Gurmit Hukam and Namron, contact improvisation with Beth Cassani, composition with Sue MacLennan and Karen Greenhough, dance history with Christy Adair. In her last year at NSCD she took part in the performing group Verve, as a perfomer in a work by Wayne Mc Gregor, and as a choreographer, with her first work “Chi lo dice lo è”.
In London and Leeds, she attended classes and workshops by companies DV8, H2dance, Henri Oguike, Richard Alston, Phoenix Dance company.
Back in Italy, she took on an apprenticeship with compagnia zappalà danza (Modem Studio Atelier, Catania, 2003-04).
She studied theatre for the youth at the Piccola Accademia del Teatro Ragazzi e dell’Animazione in Torino (2007-08).
She continued her educational path participating in workshops with Raffaella Giordano, Doriana Crema, Michela Lucenti, Alessandro Buggiani, and with Quan Bui Ngoc and Juliana Neves of Les Ballets C. de la B., with whom she completed a masterclass in 2010.
In 2000/01 she worked with London-based company genau dance collective.
In Italy, she worked with choreographers Stefano Mazzotta, Cristina Golin, Valeria Del Vecchio and theatre directors Aurelio Gatti and Elio Gimbo.
In 2003 she worked with Pulsar dance company on site specific projects in collaboration with Italian architect Alessandro Mendini.
She is founder, choreographer and dancer of the company Grimaco_movimentiumani (2004). She continues collaborating as a choreographer, dancer and vertical dancer with theatre and dance companies, among which Teatro di Castalia, art. director Andrea Battistini, Stalker Teatro (Torino), Mo.Lem (Torino), sudatestorie teatro ricerca (Torino). As from 2013 she is a member of dance company TiDA théâtre danse.
Since 2001 she has been teaching contemporary dance, creative movement and improvisation to classes of children, youths and adults in dance schools, youth centres and schools. She consistently collaborates with Institut de Danse du Val d’Aoste as a contemporary dance and improvisation teacher.
In 2014 she worked as assistant for Marigia Maggipinto, teacher and former member of Tanztheater Wuppertal, within the project “Focus Tanztheater” organised by Stalker Teatro (Torino).


regia Elena Pisu e Marco Chenevier
con Elena Pisu
scene e luci Andrea Sancio Sangiorgi
produzione TiDA – théâtre danse
in collaborazione con Officine CAOS
un ringraziamento speciale a Francesca Cinalli, Rebecca Rossetti ed Erika Di Crescenzo

nei capitoli precedenti, hanno partecipato al progetto #1 Daniela Bramanti, Gianni Ricciardi #2 Ambra Zambernardi, Marco Brunazzi, Alberto Valente, Claudia Danielis, Liliana Vaccarino, Pierluigi Bruno

Elena Pisu is with us in: Edizione 2015-16,


regia Elena Pisu e Marco Chenevier
con Elena Pisu
scene e luci Andrea Sancio Sangiorgi
produzione TiDA – théâtre danse
in collaborazione con Officine CAOS
un ringraziamento speciale a Francesca Cinalli, Rebecca Rossetti ed Erika Di Crescenzo

nei capitoli precedenti, hanno partecipato al progetto #1 Daniela Bramanti, Gianni Ricciardi #2 Ambra Zambernardi, Marco Brunazzi, Alberto Valente, Claudia Danielis, Liliana Vaccarino, Pierluigi Bruno