Floating Bodies

a project curated by Lavanderia a Vapore and Workspace Ricerca X

From 22 to 24 November 2024, Research Camping comes back for a third edition, transforming the spaces of Lavanderia a Vapore, from the foyer to the theater, into hybrid environments between fiction and reality, becoming devices for the exchange and dissemination of artistic research processes.
In a world in transition seeking new reading tools and answers, artistic research can offer a fertile ground for imagining new, possible or forgotten ways of worlding.

How do we navigate the unknown and transformation through artistic practices? How can we learn from water the possibility of being lulled into new mixtures? How to get in touch with an underwater world?

During the Research Camping, research, from being an intimate space behind closed doors, becomes an imaginative square for new politics, a middle ground that welcomes creations still in the making, and offers asylum to alternative thoughts and imageries to the muscular rhetoric and the busy time of efficiency and production.

Open call

To submit your proposal, please fill in this form


Deadline: 15 settembre 2024

immagine by Kadri Sirel / grafica by Elisa D’Amico