Making MORE room for critical thinking

With making more room for critical thinking, Workspace Ricerca X continues the path initiated in the previous edition: activating and nurturing a research environment as a space where we can collectively ignite and practice critical thinking.
The circulation of knowledge, methods, formats, practices and materials is what keeps defining this environment, where we push the walls to open up further space for reflexive discussions and critical debate between peers, to make frictions emerge, to new intimacies with unthought thoughts.

where does critical thinking reside?
how do we activate it and make it circulate?
which frictions emerge and how do we dwell them?
what happens inside and what happens outside?

For the 2024 edition, the activities revolve around a residency research, supported by Culture Moves Europe – a project funded by the European Union, implemented by the Goethe Institut – involving four international artists: Marko Gutić Mižimakov, Hannah Krebs, Heike Langsdorf, Alice MacKenzie,m together with the presence of Silvia Bottiroli as guest.

With this layer of exclusively international participation, new for the project, addressed so far mainly to Italian artists, we extend the geographical borders of its resonance, in a mixture of different approaches to research shaping and redefining a space for artistic research outside the academic context.

Next to the residency, the third edition of the Research CAMPING will take place, as a space dedicated to the public display of research processes, co-curated with Lavanderia a Vapore, together with the the second edition of the Palestra del Feedback, a training residency for artists and curators focusing on feedback, co-curated with shared training torino e Lavanderia a Vapore.

Making room for more critical thinking is the program of Workspace Ricerca X for 2024, which takes shape through one research residency, supported by Culture Moves Europe and Lavanderia a Vapore / Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo, the Research CAMPING – Floating Bodies, a space dedicated to the public positioning of research processes, co-curated with Lavanderia a Vapore, and the Palestra del Feedback, a training residency for artists and curators focusing on feedback, co-curated with shared training torino e Lavanderia a Vapore

The 2024 research residency is supported by Culture Moves Europe, a project funded by the European Union, implemented by the Goethe Institut.
The EU and the Goethe Institut are not responsible for the views expressed in the publications and/or in conjunction with the activities for which the mobility support is used.

24 > 27 September 2024
Lavanderia a vapore Corso Pastrengo, 51 Collegno (TO)
  • 20 October > 11 November 2024
    Lavanderia a vapore Corso Pastrengo, 51 Collegno (TO)
  • 09 November 2024
    Lavanderia a vapore Corso Pastrengo, 51 Collegno (TO)
  • 09 November 2024
    Lavanderia a vapore Corso Pastrengo, 51 Collegno (TO)
  • 22 > 24 November 2024 Camping
    Lavanderia a vapore Corso Pastrengo, 51 Collegno (TO) Camping


  • Resident artists Marko Gutić Mižimakov, Hannah Krebs, Heike Langsdorf, Alice MacKenzie
    Guest Silvia Bottiroli
    Artists curators Francesco Dalmasso, Elisa D’Amico, Ambra Pittoni
    Cover and photo Andrea Macchia

    *The EU and the Goethe Institut are not responsible for the views expressed in the publications and/or in conjunction with the activities for which the mobility support is used.