
INCOMPIUTI / allenamento ai feedback (Unfinished / training feedback) is an opportunity for professionals working in various roles in the performing arts field to come together, to develop reflexivity and exchange specific knowledge in support of the making and circulation of new works.
An in-depth track focused on the observation and analysis of the writing and compositional  processes unfolding within choreographic practices.

Through the observation of unfinished creative materials, a collective dialogue opens up, allowing to train critical thinking and discursiveness.
The focus is placed on feedback as a tool to foster a mode of constructive and aware discussion between the maker and the observer.

The artists who participated in INCOMPIUTI are: Teresa Noronha Feio, Francesca Cola with Marzio Zorio, Francesca Cinalli, Cristina Da Ponte, Erika Di Crescenzo, Ambra Pittoni, Mosè Risaliti, Simona Ceccobelli, Ester Fogliano, Davide Tidoni, Balletto Teatro di Torino with Carlo Diego Massari, Vincent Giampino, Fabio Pronesti.

INCOMPIUTI and Palestra del feedback arise from the convergence of interests of Workspace Ricerca X and shared training torino, with the collaboration of Lavanderia a Vapore, around the role of feedback and the legitimization of artistic processes. Starting from common needs and lacks in the field regarding the encounter between artists and programmers, the proposal was to create moments and occasions that would nurture and support the strengthening of a community and context creation.

photo © Cristina Da Ponte